representative work

Cassels Successful in Obtaining Unique Mareva Injunction


On December 1, 2023, the British Columbia Supreme Court upheld a Mareva injunction freezing assets worth in excess of $20 million dollars frozen by our client in aid of ongoing litigation in the state of New York. The plaintiff discovered that her soon to be ex-husband was trying to encumber assets he held in British Columbia, primarily in the form of securities of a publicly traded mining company, without the consent of the plaintiff or the courts of New York in the midst of ongoing divorce proceedings in New York.

Cassels urgently obtained an ex parte Mareva over the assets on October 20, 2023, and successfully defeated two attempts by the defendant to have the Mareva set-aside. The Mareva injunction will now remain in place pending the outcome of the proceedings in New York.

Cassels acted for the plaintiff.
