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Canadian Lawyer: “Cassels Reimagines Office Design”


Our new home in Toronto at Bay Adelaide North has been profiled by Canadian Lawyer.

Writes Zena Olijnyk, the Toronto office space features “smaller offices, more amenities, flexible workspace, and light for all.”

While the decision to move to a new location in Toronto may have been made before the pandemic, the design and features reflect a post-COVID reality.

Kristin Taylor, Managing Partner: “The good news is that we were able to incorporate a hybrid work-home strategy into the office design for a firm that has seen huge growth recently.” The new space also provided the opportunity to “dream big and be bold about what we wanted our office space to look like.”

The new location includes flexible workspaces, collaboration areas, and a wellness centre: “It’s different from your traditional law firm office design, but we thought it was important to set aside space to reflect our values and help with the stresses that lawyers and all staff can face,” says Kristin.

Read the full article here.