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Brenda Swick Quoted in Globe & Mail on the Impact of Recent Sanctions on Professional Services


Brenda Swick was recently quoted in an article published by The Globe & Mail on how recent sanctions on Russia impact professional services firms, including law firms.

Write Jaren Kerr and Sean Fine: “While law firms are subject to the same sanctions as other businesses, there are cases when a Canadian law firm could still represent a sanctioned client.”

Brenda notes that a lawyer could be allowed to represent a client appealing to be removed from a sanctions list and could also represent clients on sanctions lists with federal government permission.

“If a law firm really felt that it had reasons to ask for an authorization from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to represent or to deal with a designated identity, it could always apply for an authorization. Whether or not the government would give the law firm the authorization is another issue.”

Read more here. (Subscription required.)