On October 27, 2021, the Club canadien de Toronto will host their annual Gala RelèveON, an event that recognizes the talent and success of young Francophone business people, aged 40 or under, living and working in Ontario.
For the first time this year, Cassels is sponsoring the Prix Hommage Stéphane Teasdale, named in recognition of our former Franchise Law Group partner and friend. While at Cassels, Stéphane’s enthusiasm for his clients and commitment to build relationships was immediately apparent and admired by seasoned professionals and juniors alike. In recognition of the enormous contributions over his lifetime, Cassels is proud to sponsor this award that appropriately recognizes professional excellence, mentorship, impact in the community, and a commitment to Ontario’s Francophone and Francophile community.
More information on the event can be found here.
More information on the Prix Hommage Stéphane Teasdale can be found here.