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Just Released! Aboriginal Law, 6th Edition


Aboriginal Law, 6th Edition – a fully updated edition of this leading text in the field of Aboriginal Law in Canada – has now been released by Thomson Reuters. 

Authored by Thomas Isaac, Aboriginal Law, 6th Edition, is a comprehensive, authoritative resource that highlights one of the most important and quickly developing aspects of Canadian law, its impact on Aboriginal people, and their relationship with the wider Canadian society.

Topics covered include:

  • Aboriginal Rights
  • Aboriginal Title
  • Treaty Rights – Historic
  • Modern Treaties and Land Claims Agreements
  • Federal Authority
  • Indian Reserve Land and Related Tax Matters
  • Provincial and Territorial Authority
  • The Crown’s Duty to Consult Aboriginal People
  • Metis Rights

Presented in plain language, the 800 plus page Aboriginal Law, 6th Edition is an essential resource for any practitioners, academics, policymakers, and students of this rapidly developing area of law.

To learn more about Aboriginal Law, 6th Edition, or to order a copy, visit

This resource makes an excellent companion piece to Thomas Isaac’s other texts published by Thomson Reuters, including Aboriginal Law: Supreme Court of Canada Decisions, and the recently published The Law of Indigenous Ownership and Projects, co-authored with Jeremy Barretto. (Learn more about this title here.)

About Thomas Isaac

Thomas Isaac is a nationally recognized authority in the area of Aboriginal law. He has extensive experience in advising industry, government, and Indigenous clients on Aboriginal legal and related matters in all parts of Canada. Tom has represented clients before all levels of courts across Canada, including the Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Canada. He has published extensively over the course of 30 years in Aboriginal law, with his numerous articles and books being cited with approval by many courts, including the SCC. He is a former Chief Treaty Negotiator for the Government of British Columbia and is a former Assistant Deputy Minister responsible for establishing Nunavut for the Government of the Northwest Territories. In recognition of his important and significant work in this area, Tom has been honoured as one of the nation’s “Top 25 Most Influential” lawyers by Canadian Lawyer magazine. Learn more about Tom here.