our insights

Franchise and Retail in the Cannabis Industry


As a proven model for the distribution of products and services across a broad range of trade channels, franchising has become an essential source of economic activity in Canada and around the world. Consumers are reliant on franchised businesses to access a vast array of branded products and services, while the franchised businesses that offer them work to establish and entrench the consumer experience and quality standards associated with their offerings.

With the ability to move product efficiently, to maintain consistency in consumer experience, and to build and establish brand presence, franchising offers the recreational cannabis industry a compelling distribution and retail option.  Having  industry-leading practices in franchise law and cannabis law, Cassels is uniquely positioned to offer a sophisticated and integrated multi-disciplinary approach to all facets of establishing and operating a retail or franchised recreational cannabis program in Canada. To learn more about how we can help, please contact us here.

This publication is a general summary of the law. It does not replace legal advice tailored to your specific circumstances.